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I am A graffiti artist, Author

& coach 


For the past 25 years, I have coached Fortune 100 & 500 companies, executives and entrepreneurs, turning  their challenges into stepping stones and greater success. As I move toward publishing my fourth book, my passion for creativity and personal development grows out of years of living research and my former work as a consultant at PwC, an executive coach across diverse industries, and on faculty of the University of Santa Monica's (USM) graduate program in Spiritual Psychology. Nowadays, I write a weekly Turnaround Tuesday blog, along with my High Performance Leadership coaching, with the aim of inspiring greater creativity and up-leveling empowered action for individuals and teams

























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  • The Art of the Mandala: Creating Your Life By Design (2010; Kindle or requested e-book)

  • The Mandala Story (2010, 2011 2nd printing)

  • Enough Already! (2016 blog; book coming soon)

  • TurnAround Thinking™ (2017 blog; book coming soon)


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  • PhD/MS, Organizational Psychology, California School of Professional Psychology (CSPP)

  • MA Spiritual Psychology with an emphasis on Consciousness, Health, and Healing, University of Santa Monica (USM), plus 10 years on faculty.

  • Graduate Diploma in Accounting and Finance, London School of Economics (LSE)

  • BA, Interpersonal Communication, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)

As always, your insights are razor sharp. Once again, you brightened my Tuesday.

~ Andra Ellingson


Sherry, you are such an inspiration! Your positive energy is so powerful.

~ Marie Barnes

Dr. Sherry is an Author, Artist,  and Life by Design Coach. Read more→




Reset your mindset to the positive each week with a Turnaround Tuesday Tip delivered to your mailbox!  



February, 2018
Mandala Magic Workshop to Transform your Life: Health, Work, Relationships
Irvine, CA


Turning trials into triumphs

Sherry Phelan, Ph.D.


Sherry Phelan, Ph.D.

Get unstuck and get going

My Turnaround Story


My ability to encourage others comes from overcoming my own challenges. Nearly a high school drop out, I finally returned to college at 25. My life became a living laboratory to turn myself around and make a greater contribution to my world.


Taking on this education was revolutionary for me and served as my greatest accomplishment at the time, culminating in Summa Cum Laude honors from UCLA's competitive Communications program. 


Soon after, I worked in consulting at Price Waterhouse (now PwC) and eventually launched my own facilitation and coaching business, while also completing 8 years of graduate work. Also completing numerous coaching and other certifications, I began to assist individuals and organizations succeed at higher and more rewarding levels.


Over 25+ years now, I've coached entrepreneurs, professionals and C-Suite executives in various fields.


I have dealt with my own share of career, relationship and health issues, heartaches and heartbreaks, learning to master my many mistakes and turning them around to my advantage. I now teach others the creative principles and practices that have given me the ability to bounce back higher, time and again, to make the most of every situation.



© Copyright Sherry Phelan, Ph.D. 2018. All rights reserved.

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